Lots of things in my life will probably change this Summer. I am moving out of my apartment (to where is still being decided), I may be living in a new city with a new job with new people...so I need to make this Summer the
Biggest and
Best yet.
Who's with me????I want to do a "TOP 50 Summer" - which means I want to do 50 Things that
I Wouldn't Normally Do...to enliven my life and encourage me to "Seize the Day!" I think I will call it
My "Carpe Diem" Summer.
Here's What I Am Planning (thus far):1. Drive for a day to an unexpected place - without a map or GPS...seeing what I find and then use my GPS to get back home.
2. Be a Vegetarian for a week.
3. Actually go dancing in the street.
4. Volunteer at a local charity.
5. Watch the sun rise on the beach.
6. Make my own interpretation of a "Dream Catcher"
7. Tell someone how I "honestly" feel about them.
8. Watch some old classic movies I have been "too busy" to watch.
9. Make something special and unique for my mom, dad and brother to show them how much they mean to me.
10.Surprise a friend in someway (with a gift, a visit, etc.)
11.Create a huge scavenger hunt for some of my friends so we can go crazy finding the items.
12.Throw a themed party.
13.Spend one whole day in my pajamas.
14.Turn my cell phone, computer and tv off for a weekend and create a relaxing retreat for myself.
15.Walk through the forest and observe nature.
16.Go visit my family, who live in other states.
17.Watch a sunset.
18.Attend daily mass for a whole 2 weeks.
19.Finish writing my One-Act.
20.Write a poem for someone and then read it to them.
21. Attend a wine tasting.
Any suggestions????