Monday, November 17, 2008

If I Could Not Fail

"What would you do if you knew you could not fail?"

My wonderful friend reminded me of this quote in reference to my last post. She is brilliant.

So..What would I do if I knew that I would not fail???

I would probably pack up and move...knowing that I would magically find a job. Theater would not be as intimidating as it is now. I love theater, but most of the time it scares me and that is what gives me the rush of a performance.

I would write. I have many small plays in the works - no where near complete. If I knew they would not fail, I would push myself to publish.

I would let my guard down every once in a while. Sometimes, even as outgoing as I am, I feel like I am keeping myself "protected" from getting hurt. Don't we all do that though?

Think about it...If there was nothing holding you back...what would you do?

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