So...I got this idea from Facebook. Here is 25 random facts about myself to get to know me better...
25 Random Things:
1. I am obsessed with the color green and my eyes are green…I don’t believe the two are necessarily connected.
2. Thai is my favorite food. And I think Thai Ice Tea is heavenly.
3. I have moved around my entire life – including living overseas. I believe that due to this I am far more outgoing that I would have been otherwise.
4. I love the movie The Breakfast Club and I have the movie poster in my bedroom.
5. I am extremely proud of my brother. He is not even 21 yet and already has a career and goals in mind for himself. He keeps pushing the limits and is not afraid to tell you. He’s a Marine serving our country, a sacrifice I was never willing to make.
6. My parents are my heroes. I love them for all they have done and continue to do for me. If I go without seeing them or talking to them for a long period of time, I become extremely sad.
7. My favorite constellation is Orion…whether or not it’s my favorite because it is the first constellation I can usually find in the night sky is irrelevant.
8. I love being Catholic.
9. I am in a sorority and I love it more than I could have ever imagined. These girls are part of my heart and soul now.
10. I believe in the power of theater as a supreme art form. It can change a person. I was changed from my first production experience and I will love theater forever.
11. At some point in my life I want to give a year to do missionary work around the world.
12. I believe in the power of true love and all the forms it posses.
13. If I were to ever win a big award on TV, I would most definitely cry.
14. I taught my cat how to sit, shake and give a high five. When I go visit my parents and he comes running up to me, it warms my heart.
15. I just created a blog this year and I am now addicted to blogging.
16. My 3 favorite shows on TV are: Chuck, LOST and Psych.
17. I wish I lived closer to my extended family.
18. B/c I have moved around (#3), I am extremely blessed to have such close friends all over the world.
19. As a director, my favorite moment is opening night right before the show…the audience is all seated and settled, the lights are dimming and a rush overwhelms me…I helped create this.
20. I need to work on my organizational skills…only pertaining to my room.
21. One of my happiest memories while I was in London was seeing Equus from the 3rd row. Daniel and Richard were brilliant!
22. I want to move to DC.
23. The moment before my dad walks me down the aisle, I will cry. Once I have recovered, I will ask him to be in a picture with me and that picture I will have framed by my bed forever.
24. When I become a mother, I hope I am at least half of the mother my mom is to me.
25. Being with Christ in Adoration, is when I am most at peace. It is during this time, that I can really listen to what He is asking of me.
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