Monday, April 30, 2012

Super Power (76/100)

Day 76.  This is the challenge I also sent to my co-creator:  You are your own superhero and you have your own super power.  Take time today to be your own Super Woman.  You have the power to change a life.  What is your super power?  Take hold of your own inner vigilante. 

In a single act we can change a life.  In a single moment we can help someone have a worse or a better day.  I like to help out when I can to make someone have a little bit of an easier day.  For example, I came home the other day and there were dirty dishes out from when my roommate had her father over for for appetizers before their dinner out at a local restaurant.  Now, I knew she would clean up when she got home, but I also knew she was going to get home late.  I took it upon myself to clean up for her, so that it was one less thing she had to worry about before going to bed that night.  This act seems insignificant, but to my dear friend it meant something. 

My super power - attention to the details & noticing the small things of life.  I send out thank you cards & birthday cards and I remember anniversaries.  I know what flowers my roommate likes and the type of flour she prefers for baking.  I ask how friend's interview go and know some of the the patrons (from the theater where I work) just by hearing their voice on the phone.   

As for being a vigilante, I actually need to take on more of role.  I live in a city stricken with many homeless people and I try to give money when I can - but honestly, that is not enough.  Also, I live in a city where policies are made and people have nonprofits that are fighting for a just system.  I need to get more involved.   

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