Sunday, May 20, 2012

Feel That? (96/100)

Day 96...Go outside, breathe, exercise, be out with nature, listen to your thoughts, explore...

I am so proud of myself, I had another successful running day. I am trying to get back into the swing of running. I used to run and be part of a cross country team and then got out of it and several years have past. I know that exercise is important and I want to establish a routine of running, yoga and other activities to keep me moving. It's about being outside and feeling air rush into your lungs.

Day 96! Woot - almost there! What an accomplishment - what an adventure so far! As this challenge comes to a close, I have been looking back on what I have gained from these past 96 days and how I can use these last 4 days to really "bring it home." I feel like I have really put forth effort and feel accomplished. It is amazing how powerful thinking can impact how you live your life.

As my 100th day approaches, it is even more reason to focus on my purpose in life. Below is an image that a group I am a fan of posted on facebook. I find it to be quite perfect.

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