Friday, January 16, 2009

What If Time Stopped?

I just finished The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger and am completely consumed by this love story. I am aware that there are classic love stories everywhere and these stories grace us with their presence day in and day out. It seems to me like this story should be a part of daily conversation just like Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet. I should easily be able to make a comment about Henry & Clare and anyone on the street should be able to reply back with, "Oh yes, I simply adore them." fact this did happen recently. My manager persuaded me the other day to read this book because it is one of her favorites and now I can see why. Yesterday, I brought it with me to work and she noticed that I had gotten pretty far into the story since I had last saw her. I mentioned where I was in the story and she said, "I love them." So, you see, to her and I (only recently) Henry & Clare are two people that are apart of our world.

Henry and Clare are caught tragically, but ever so romantically, in the space of time. Time is not only the reason for how they meet but it is the very reason of their existence together. All great love stories revolve around a simple idea: be in the right place at the right time. In The Time Traveler's Wife, it is Time itself that makes it so they meet. The idea that Time lives, breathes, exists on its own accord is what keeps this story living & breathing right now. I always feel like the little boy in the movie The Neverending Story whenever I read a great book. I imagine myself reading the book with a blanket around me (just like the little boy in the movie) and as I continue reading, the characters continue living. It seems silly, but to me it is the best part of reading.

I have posed the above question, "What if Time stopped"...and I ask it to you now. I personally, as I am sure everyone does, wish I could stop time in moments where I am extremely happy and nothing is bothering me. I want to relish in these moments and spend hours enjoying them... but alas I am only human and have only so many hours to my day - 24 to be exact. But does that stop me from It shouldn't stop you either. So if you want a break from your day-to-day and a taste of a life unlike your own, read this book. It is magical in that it does take you away from your daily routine and cause you to think about how you would handle the situation if you were Clare...or Henry.

I just wanted to post about this book so that I could share it with someone who has not yet read it. So...please take a risk and see if the story of Henry & Clare moves your heart too.

1 comment:

Brooklyn Bonny said...

What a great post!! I feel the same way about Henry and Clare. They really do continue to live on for me (and always have, really) I think the real accomplishment of The Time Traveler's Wife is the flawless love story. You're almost blindsided by the beauty of Henry & Clare's love story because the Time device is so interesting... I wish I could read this book over again for the first time!