Thursday, May 24, 2012

Put a Fork in It!!! (100/100)

DAY 100!!!! This Reality Challenge is done - I can put a fork in it!  Wow, 100 days?!?  I did it.  I completed it - me and my dear friend have finshed Season 1 of our 100 Day Reality Challenge.

At the beginning of all of this, I said that I wanted to focus on two things:
---that if I was unhappy in a situation, that I was going to take a physical action to change it
---I was only going to surround myself with people who bring out the best in me

I would say that after looking back from today to Feb 15th I have completed/improved on these two notions.  This challenge was a success!  Woot. 

Things to reflect:
---At the beginning of this challenge, I expressed to a co-worker that I was interested in working in his office & today I am in week 2 of being in my new job
---I was unhappy being single, so I said yes to going out on a few dates
---I have gotten clarity in how I like relationships to work
---I was able to refocus an office friendship
---I have opened my mind to the power of positive thinking
---I proved that I do have discipline
---I was able to stay connected with my beautiful co-creator for most of the 100 days
---I am more confident in my abilities to move forward
---I have spread more positivity to my co-workers
---I have been more encouraging of my friends' goals

This has been a powerful journey and one that I am happy I took and one I would want to rediscover later on down the road.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Feel That? (96/100)

Day 96...Go outside, breathe, exercise, be out with nature, listen to your thoughts, explore...

I am so proud of myself, I had another successful running day. I am trying to get back into the swing of running. I used to run and be part of a cross country team and then got out of it and several years have past. I know that exercise is important and I want to establish a routine of running, yoga and other activities to keep me moving. It's about being outside and feeling air rush into your lungs.

Day 96! Woot - almost there! What an accomplishment - what an adventure so far! As this challenge comes to a close, I have been looking back on what I have gained from these past 96 days and how I can use these last 4 days to really "bring it home." I feel like I have really put forth effort and feel accomplished. It is amazing how powerful thinking can impact how you live your life.

As my 100th day approaches, it is even more reason to focus on my purpose in life. Below is an image that a group I am a fan of posted on facebook. I find it to be quite perfect.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day (89/100)

Happy Mother's Day!

Day 89 - It's Mother's Day, make her feel special.  What is it about being a mom that you connect with - I am not a mother but I have people I take care of and nurture.  Care for your nurturing spirit today. 

I made a special effort to contact all the special mothers in my life.  I, of course, started with my own mother and wished her a special day.  I had already sent her a rose plant to let her know that she is very special to me.  I sent her a plant because I know how much she loves them and I know that she will be able to re-pot it and keep it for years to come.  I then called my Grandma, all my aunts and other special mothers in my life.  It was a quite a fulling experience.  I realized it had been too long since I have talked to some of my aunts.  I need to make more time to show my family how much I love them and how they are appreciated. 

I have a very maternal nature and am often looked at as a "mothering" friend.   I value this quality and know that when the time comes, I will cherish being a mother to my own children.  I am a Godmother and it is a joy to know that I have a special place in my godson's life. 

Monday, April 30, 2012

Super Power (76/100)

Day 76.  This is the challenge I also sent to my co-creator:  You are your own superhero and you have your own super power.  Take time today to be your own Super Woman.  You have the power to change a life.  What is your super power?  Take hold of your own inner vigilante. 

In a single act we can change a life.  In a single moment we can help someone have a worse or a better day.  I like to help out when I can to make someone have a little bit of an easier day.  For example, I came home the other day and there were dirty dishes out from when my roommate had her father over for for appetizers before their dinner out at a local restaurant.  Now, I knew she would clean up when she got home, but I also knew she was going to get home late.  I took it upon myself to clean up for her, so that it was one less thing she had to worry about before going to bed that night.  This act seems insignificant, but to my dear friend it meant something. 

My super power - attention to the details & noticing the small things of life.  I send out thank you cards & birthday cards and I remember anniversaries.  I know what flowers my roommate likes and the type of flour she prefers for baking.  I ask how friend's interview go and know some of the the patrons (from the theater where I work) just by hearing their voice on the phone.   

As for being a vigilante, I actually need to take on more of role.  I live in a city stricken with many homeless people and I try to give money when I can - but honestly, that is not enough.  Also, I live in a city where policies are made and people have nonprofits that are fighting for a just system.  I need to get more involved.   

Haiku (73/100)

Day 73 - ok actually, Day 73 was on April 27th, but I liked the challenge so much that I am going to post it and immediately post another entry for today's challenge.

haikus are easy; but sometimes they don't make sense; refridgerator. - unknown
Today unleash your inner poet and write some haikus about the challenge.  Ok here it goes:

Breathe, Blink, Write, Think, Look.
I am made for a purpose.
Believe, Create more

Take time to listen.
Your thoughts talk more that you think.
Each one powerful.

Limits exist here.
Body and mind are stronger.
So, I can do this. 

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Take Action (70 & 71/100)

Day 70  & 71...alright, time to get real. 

How am I coming along in my goals for this 100 Day Challenge?

Day 70's  focus was: People treat you how you let them.  This day was a bit hard.  I needed to look at the relationships I have with people and see if there were somethings I needed to change.  It's hard to realize that if someone is continuing to treat you crappy that that is in part because you let them.  My personal goal today was to bring to light one of these realationships and talk with the person about some actions that have happened recently.  It is hard for me to talk through tough situations.  As I continue to grow up, I am coming more to terms with the fact that me wanting things to change is a change for the better.  Not only bettering myself and how I am treated but also connecting on a deeper level with the person. 

Day 71's focus is to really buckle down and see if I am staying true to the things I want to focus on during these 100 days.  What have I done specifically that has gotten me closer to achieving my goal by May 24th (my 100th day!)  I would say I am definitely more attentive to how others affect me.  I am careful how I perceive criticism and negetivity.  More importantly, as I stated in the beginning of this challenge - if I am unhappy in a situation in my life, I am going to take an action to change it.  I have been more proactive in  changing things that bring me down and taking charge in doing my part to change/fix it rather than just wish it would get better.   

Also remember...RESPECT

Monday, April 16, 2012

Dream Destination (62/100)

Day 62 - Pick a dream destination.  Where would you go?  Why did you pick this place - has it had to do with something you have learned over these past 62 days or was it a place you have always wanted to travel?  What sights would you see? (This is what I sent to my co-creator this morning to think about today, so I must think it about it too)

Location: Tahiti

Reason: Today was a beautiful day and I got a rush being outside in the sun.  I am inspired to go to a tropical island.  I have never been to a tropical island (other than Hawaii) and Tahiti seems like a perfect place to pick. 

Appeal: My room would be in a cabana in the water.  Yes, please!  This place would be a perfect place to live care-free.  It has such beautiful blue water and an opportunity to see such stunning sea creatures.  Sign me up!  I could see myself looking really good here. 

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Noteworthy & Valued (58,59,60/100)

Picture found through another blog - Brands Are Opinions - check it out here
 Day 58, 59 & 60...throughout this challenge if I have skipped blogging on a particular day, then I move on and blog the next day I can.  I have enjoyed the messages from these past 3 days, so I wanted to include them.

Day 58 - be noteworthy.  be bold. be beautiful. be you.

I found such a cool blog post when I searched for "be noteworthy" - check out this blog "Brands are Opinions"...I really resonate with the core question presented in this post.  The author talks about when looking for a job or meaning to your life - instead of asking, "What do you want to do?" ask, "Who do you want to be?"

Often when looking to my future, it's easy for me to focus on material gain.  Is this going to help me get more money?  Will I be able to have this or that? Do this or that?  A wake up call comes every so often and it hits me... WHO AM I?!?!  What type of life am I leading?  Am I happy with the way things are?  What do I need to change?

Well, I am someone who is noteworthy.  I am abitious (need to channel this side of me more).  I am someone worth knowing. 

Day 59 - it is not what happes to you that defines you - it's how you react to you.  be calm & zen today --- this came to me from my beautiful co-creator, she had such good intentions for me today.  I did my best to be as calm & zen-like as I could muster.  But you know what?  Today was the day a small ray of light came out of work today.  Is there potential for me to apply for a new position?  I received quite an encouraging word from one of my managers.  I was told to not be afraid of change or of future challenges.  I would say that is what this 100 Day Reality Challenge is for!!!  I need to just go for it!!

Day 60 - we all have tests.  it is up to us to make them our testimonies
Alright, I had no really rough patches today to pull through.  Work was pretty good and I adore my co-workers...and who doesn't love some good music to get the day going and to close out the day???  Jazz Morning Saturdays is my highlight.  Seriously, everyone everywhere should start their Saturday with Jazz music. 

Thankfully, my day was not one of "tests," but I am thankful to say that the tests I have had in my life have shaped me into the woman I am.  I continue to grow & learn from each new day.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Admiration (57/100)

Day 57 - To Thine Own Self Be True.  I challenged my beautiful co-creator to think about today what you admire most about yourself.  Brag a little and see your greatness. 

I am willing to also meditate on this same topic. 

What do I admire most about myself?
  • I am a good friend (always room for improvement though)
  • I listen to others
  • I have a great relationship with my parents
  • I call my grandma to see how she's doing
  • I am kind, thoughtful & considerate
  • When I give a hug, I am aiming to truely connect with a person
  • I am good natured
  • When I love, it's with my whole heart
  • I am a big fan of God
  • I laugh at my friends' jokes
  • I am always willing to be out on the dance floor
  • I send out birthday cards to family &; friends
  • I made personalized Valentine's this year for my co-workers
  • I excelled in school - I am proud to have graduated top 10 in my highschool class and Cum Laude from college
  • I give out sincere compliments
  • I am a hard worker and represent my place of employment well
  • I am loyal
  • I encourage myself to dream big
  • This year, I took a risk and opened my own business & I am so happy that I did
  • I said I would help a dear friend & take this 100 Day Reality Challenge with her

Well, those are some things that initially come to mind... at the end of this 100 day challenge, I know I will be able to add some more things to this list. 

Take Charge of today!  I was at work yesterday and as I was talking with some co-workers, I offered to lend a hand on a small project that needed to get done in the office.  One friend at work said, "This looks like a job for..." and I chimed in, "Super Stacey!"  It got a few laughs and was fun to say.  Another friend said that I should have that on my mirror, "This looks like a day for Super Stacey!"  He was kidding, but as I thought about it more...why not?! 

Today is the perfect day to say...

This looks like a day for Super Stacey!


Monday, April 9, 2012

How Big Is Your God? (55/100)

Clearly it has been too long since my last post...what have I been doing these last 28 days?!?

Day 55.  In honor of yesterday being Easter, I wanted to spend parts of today giving glory to God.  In reading, In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day, I was particularly drawn to one of the questions the author, Mark Batterson, poses;

"How big is your God?"  

"The more we grow, the bigger God should get.  And the bigger God gets, the smaller our lions (fears) become.  The reality is that nothing is too big for God."  (pg 39)

Many times I get sucked into the dilemas of my day & my life and get bogged down.  I feel shelfish asking God to come quickly to my aid when my troubles are minor in comparisson to other areas of the world.  And yet, He is there for me even in my minor troubles.  He does care about all the details in my life even if they seem ridiculous in comparisson to others who are dealing with more severe hard times... He cares because my troubles are just that...mine.  He wants to comfort me. 

I, along with many others, never want to appear demanding or even needy, or rely too heavily on the consolation of God.  But God puts desires and needs in my heart and He longs for me to ask for His help.  We can work to help each other.  Friends look out for each other and neighbors should help neighbors.  

I like to remind myself that at times when I may be upset with certain people that make up a body within the Church, or upset at ideals that are in questions... I need to remember that at the heart of the matter & what is truly important is that I am not upset with God.  For He is perfect..  He is my ultimate reason.     

Monday, March 12, 2012

Star Gazing (27/100)

Got this image from another blog - check it out!  This particular post of hers has a short story about star gazing.
 Day as an idea from my co-creator on this journey, I will make a wish (or be extra hopeful today).  Star gazing is a fascinating activity.  I revel looking up into the night sky and being captivated by the glowing constellations.  I adore the stars - so much so that I still long to own a telescope.  I find them magical & mysterious...sort of a "world of their own."  It's an obsession I have - may seem silly, but I am soothed by their majesty. 

I used to be someone who regularly "wished upon a star" - more so for hopeless romantic reasons that rational day-to-day necessities.  But then again...I think the majority of people who wish on stars only do it for hopeless romantic reasons.  It's an idyllic way we wished the the world worked (pun intended).  

As I have gotten older, I appreciate more the necessity to have a "reality check."  I can make wishes all I want, but in order for me to make a change happen for myself I need to take action.  As part of one of my focuses for this Reality Challenge (If I am unhappy with something in my life, I am going to take an action to fix it), I will think of something I would normal "wish for" and decide what actions I can take to make it happen.  I am still a proponent for wishing on stars - keep your dreams alive so to speak - but also don't underestimate the power already lying within yourself to make things happen. 

I will take a longer look at the sky tonight (appearing later now since daylight savings from this weekend) and make a wish for good measure and it good spirits, but more importantly I will use the power/light within myself to make a change or to attract a change to happen. 

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Good Habits (21/100)

Day 21 - Did you know that it takes 21 days to form a habit?  It has been said that to break a bad habit you have to stop doing the act for 21 consecutive days - then the bad habit is broken.  Today I wanted to focus on the opposite side of that coin.  What good habits have I been forming in these past 21 days?

--I value that I have taken to heart a partnership with a dear friend during this challenge.  We text/communicate daily & encourage each other to lead each new day with purpose.  This daily contact with my "co-creator" has been truly enriching.
--I am impressed at my increase in blog activity - I have more posts!  I am thoroughly engaging my journal and opening my mind to creative writing, impulse writing and thought-release writing. 
--I have started reading a powerful book & look forward to adding more influential novels throughout these 100 days.  The Happiness Project has been the perfect tool along my journey. 
--Also, I check in 5x a week with my National Sales Director with Mary Kay & she provides such incite and words of wisdom for having a powerful day.  The last thing that she shared that inspired & resonated with me was a passage from a blog post from the Mary Kay Blog (which I didn't even know we had?!?)

This particular blog entry has been the something that I have been mulling over for a day or two now...

In this entry the idea is discussed that 2012 should be about losing the "wait" - we need to stop waiting for the right moment to come or the right time.  Why do we make resolutions only on Jan 1st of each year?  (Don't worry, I am guilty of it too...) She writes:

Like many others, I waited until January 1st to put my New Year resolutions into effect. On New Year’s Day, however, I had an "aha moment" and asked myself, “Why did I feel the need to wait until January to take action? Why am I postponing progress?”

Just like athletes crave the perfect weather and playing conditions to play their best game, it’s human nature to feel that we do our best under the best conditions. So often we wait for a good time, better time or even the best time to pursue a goal, change a habit, or perhaps resolve an issue. The problem is that if we wait long enough, we realize that we’ve waited too long. Did you ever notice the time frame between “It’s not the right time” and “Hmmm, I’ve waited too long” is incredibly short?

How ironic that we wait for time, yet as we know, time waits for no one. And as Benjamin Franklin said, “Lost time is never found again.” Like many of you, there have been times in my life when it seemed like a great idea to wait for the right time. In actuality, we often do our best or achieve the most under less than ideal conditions or even, at times, adverse conditions.

This is a thought that does not seem incredibly profound & yet, here I am a person who waited to make some serious changes in her way of thinking until Jan 1 came around.  It is easy for me to get into a routine and "go with the flow" ---meanwhile, I become more like a robot that an actual employee.  I share this to hopefully continue to remind myself to continue to kick it in gear and challenge myself.  A big thank you to: Mary Kay Inc.’s Chief Marketing Officer, Sheryl Adkins-Green. Sheryl for her beautiful thoughts on losing "wait." 

Be Happy (20/100)

Oh my - this was for Day 20 - (it's being posted was for 3/5/12) Anyways, enjoy the song.  It is easier said that done to "be happy"... I mean really, happiness means so many different things to different people.  For me, especially now, it is about finding peace & getting over what I had invisioned for my life by this point.  Clearly, my vision was wrong.  Things are good for me & I have many blessings.  This period is a time for growth and a time to futher improve my life.  "I don't want to settle for good not great!"

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Momentum (18/100)

Day 18 - time to kick up the momentum of my Reality Challenge.  I was reminded by someone today that there is a wise saying:

There are 3 types of people:
the ones that make things happen,
those that watch things happen and
the ones that wonder what happened

I want to be known as someone who MAKES things happen!  I need to put into action what I want most out of my life.  There is no time like the present - no day but today!  It's time to build some momentum ...get up and make some changes... 

And for some feel good music that makes me want to get up & MOVE:
Galatic: "Maghalena"

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Reality Playlist (16/100)

Ok so for today, I was encouraged to create a Reality Challenge Playlist.  I have come up with these songs so far...

1. Something Beautiful - Needtobreathe = I have posted the lyrics to this song before.  I simply love this song & feel it might be my absolute favorite.  Ever.  It is wonderful & always puts me in the best mood.

2. By Your Side - Ten Avenue North = such a lovely song, another worship song, God is big part of this reality challenge

3. Walking on Sunshine - Katrina & The Waves = this song is just "fun" & makes me smile.  I just want to dance & bounce around while listening to it

4. Move Me - Echoing Angels = this is not a song I hear too often, but it is very impactful. 

5. Don't Stop Believin' - Glee Version = Well...ok, so I do enjoy Journey's version better, but for my Reality Challenge this version is more suited.  

There are 5 of my songs that would be on my Reality Challenge Playlist.  As the challenges continues, I will post some more.  Enjoy! 

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

No Day But Today (15/100)

Day 15 - It's time to live in the present.  Focus on today, not yesterday or even tomorrow.  Let's savor every moment of TODAY

One of my challenges in truly living in the moment of "now."  I tend to dwell in the past or spend too much time daydreaming about how wonderful my life will be in the future.  Those words - "will be" - are like an endless trap.  I cannot know with certainty what my future will bring.  All I can do is make good choices and help prepare for a beautiful tomorrow. 

Heavenly Father, I pray that you help me to savor all the beauty & graces you have given this day.  I ask that you open my eyes to the wonder that today brings. 

"No Day But Today" - from Broadway Musical, RENT

The Heart May Freeze Or It Can burn

The Pain Will Ease If I Can Learn
There Is no future
There Is no past
I Live this Moment As My Last

There's Only Us
There's Only This
Forget.Regret. Or Life Is Yours To Miss
No Other Road
No Other Way
No Day But Today

There's Only Yes
Only Tonight
We Must Let Go
To Know What is Alright
No Other Course
No Other Way
No Day But Today

I Cant control
My destiny
I Trust My Soul
My only goal
is just to be

There' only Now
There's Only Here
Give in To Love
Or Life in Fear
No Other Path
No Other Way
No Day But Today

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

My Body (14/100)

Day 14 - whoa...two weeks into this challenge!  My co-creator & dear friend, sent me this text message today:

"Day 14.  Remember that your body is on loan from God.  Treat it that way.  Find reverence & respect & acceptance for my body is the goal today!" 

Wow.  I seriously think that my friend should gather all her challenges for each day and compile them into a book.  I love it when I get to see what her specific challenge is for each day.  Some days I send her one of my challenges, but hers are always more eloquently written.  (She does have a writer's spirit.) 

It's time to really focus on taking ownership of my body.  It's mine.  It's awesome.  I should treat it as such. 

I am blessed to have a roommate & dear friend that is truly a believer in eating & living a healthy life.  She is doing wonders for me & has really inspired me to eat a more balanced & nutritious diet.  She makes the most delicious weekly meals and I never have to worry if what I am eating is bad for me because I know that she has found a recipe that has only the best & most healthy ingredients. Now, I just need to continue to incorporate the proper exercise into my lifestyle & I will be golden.  I also feel that respect for my body deals with how I present it to the others.  It is also in how I dress and I allow others to treat my body.  It's about not only creating a body that is beautiful, but also one that is respected. 

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Never Stop Exploring (12/100)

A simple shoe box that states a profound message. 

Day 12 - well, 12 is a pretty big number.  There are 12 months in a year - this the year 2012.  And, Jesus had 12 apostles - so this number is no ordinary number.  Today was not too profound for me.  I was able to catch up on some sleep, meditate, read more from The Happiness Project & helped some friends move out of their apt.  The items listed appear simple and mundane.  But if you read between the lines, I was able to rest, connect with part of my inner-self, add to my understanding of my personal happiness and give back & help out a friend.  It was a rewarding day.  Plus, my dear friend made me the best brunch.  We had carrot & cornmeal pancakes, sweet chicken sausage & fruit.  So, I also got to spend sometime with my roommate - which was an added bonus!

This shoe box message has given me more inspiration to explore within myself as well as within my own home & also within my own city.  DC has many areas to explore.  I need to use my time and explore more of this city.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Top Ten (10/100)

Day Ten.  I am 1/10 the way through my Reality Challenge.  Let's make this a day for Top Tens...

Ten Things That Make Me Happy:
10. jazz music
9. drinking wine with friends
8. laughing so hard I cry
7. sending someone a card
6. giving a close friend a hug
5. making someone else laugh
4. snuggling
3. dancing
2. theater
1. my family
Ten Things That Happened Today:
1. had 90's music mix playing at work
2. our office got a pizza party as a thank you
3. watched "Midnight in Paris"
4. had a coworker tell me I had a lovely phone voice
5. drank a glass of wine with dinner
6. was told that I had on a lovely outfit by several coworkers
7. talked to a friend about her visit to LA & Vegas
8. laughed with some friends at work over silly things
9. talked to lots of one very excited about getting tickets to "The Music Man"
10. ate a piece of cholocate before bed
Ten Words To Describe My Reality Challenge:
1. Co-Creator
2. Breath
3. Courage
4. Depth
5. Insight
6. Self
7. Realization
8. Worthy
9. Treasure
10. Exploration

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Highlight the Goddess Within (Day 8/100)

Day 8 - Highlight the goddess within.  Connect with your own spirituality...your core being.  Especially since today is the first day of Lent (a reflective period lasting 40 Days &40 Nights leading up to Easter), use today to connect with yourself & your savior. 

Today is Ash Wednesday - I attended the 12:10pm mass at The National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception and the service was beautiful.  I was then called into work because the Sales Office needed some extra help.  I knew that the ashes were going to still be very vivid on my forhead & I was curious what the response would be from my coworkers.  I am was amazed at what the ashes smeared on my forehead in the shape of a cross triggered from people.  One woman, who I had never met, saw me walking down the hall and said aloud to the person she was talking to, "Oh right, today is Ash Wenesday."  One of my friends at work, specifically came up to me & said, "Look at you being a good Catholic."  And what I found to be the most fun was seeing 2 other coworkers with the ashes on their forheads too!

Day 8: I use prayer to connect with God and focus on the power of Lent and now will  use my 100 Reality Challenge as a way to grow even more in my lenten journey.  Lent is my journey with Christ and my Reality Challenge is my personal journey to better myself. 

Monday, February 20, 2012

Appreciate Art & Beauty (Day 6/100)

My roommate/dear friend & I walked over to The National Portrait Gallery this afternoon.  It was such a delightful walk and a glorious day.  Even though it was a bit brisk at times, it was still practically perfect.  I very much enjoy the Portrait Gallery because of its vast amount of art and the variety that is showcased.  Plus, it has exhibits that rotate - so really you are able to see new works and yet have the comfort of knowing certain favorites will always be there. 

For example, two of my absolute favorites:

The Great Picture By: Albert Bierstadt

Aurora Borealis By: Frederic Edwin Church

Both of these paintings are of landscapes - but appear to encompass so much more.  It is the colors and the way the paintings appear to illuminate from within.  Their beauty radiates of the canvas.  I enjoy being outside and find myself intensely conntected with serene landscapes.  I am often struck by the beauty of mountains, the ocean and the stars.   

It is a joy to be able to go to a museum - a free museum - and spend time just "being" around art.  I know now that when I need inspiration for another play or the like, I will walk over to the gallery and just spend hours in the view of these. 

Day 6 - I am grateful for museums, this beautiful day, my roommate/dear friend & to live within walking distance of art. 

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Attracting Positive Things (Day 5/100)

 Here is a great video - you will here French woman, Lilou Mace, talk about how we can attract positive things.  I am really liking getting to know Lilou more and more through her videos.

Day 5 - focused on cleaning my room and "decluttterring" my space.  With a clean room, I can now be less anxious and will sleep better.  Rule #1 Always put away your clothes.  Greateful for my clean room, the clean air I breathe & the clean water I have access to drink.   

Saturday, February 18, 2012

My Happiness Project (Day 4/100)

Hello Day 4!  I am going to add to my reading list - The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin.  This book was recommended to me by my lovely roommate and dear friend.  It seems have been around for a little while now.  I am looking forward to incorporating the thoughts and ideas explored in this book along with the things expressed in the 100 Day Reality Challenge.  I will add in some innovative quotes and merge it with own incites I have found.   

Such a thriving point in my life - I get to read, learn, explore and create.  Plus, I am not even on this 100 Day Reality Challenge alone.  I get to share in this journey with a dear friend. 

What I have found to be even more encouraging during these past four days is that everyone I have told about my reality challenge has been overly supportive!  It's great knowing that I am working towards surrounding myself with people who not only care about me, but are willing to listen to my happiness goals.  If anything, it is giving them a new look on their own life. 

"There is no duty we so much underrate as the duty of being happy."  ----Robert Louis Stevenson

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Fresh Start (Day 1/100)

 I am open to the idea of what the next 100 days will bring in my 100 Day Reality Challenge.  I am ready to send out my intentions and take action to bring about a new and empowered self by May 24th!

It's Day 1 - I am up and energized...about to do a whole apt deep cleaning (I always feel better when I am in a clean house, don't you?)

For now I am excited to see where the next 100 days takes me and how I can use the power of positive thought and focus to impact my life...

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

100 Day Reality Challenge

Ok, so here's an idea I have for the next 100 days.  Starting tomorrow and going until May 24th, I will be partaking in the 100 Day Reality Challenge!  Please visit to see the website and read more about this facinating project. 

Basically, for the next 100 days I will:
1. Focus on an intention - something I different I want in my life
2. Take steps to make this intention happen
3. Bring out positive thought, mediation &/or prayer to help guide me
4. Surround myself with positive people, events & things that will help be fulfill my set intention
5. Journal, blog, tweet, facebook, text, post to my new pinterest page, and possible video blog to share/grow deeper in my journey

It may sound trippy - but I think it is worth a try!  I am so glad that my dear friend ask me to join her on this epic journey.  I mean, what else did I have planned for the next 100 days?  I might as well work to make my life richer and more engaging.  One of the creators of this movement, Lilou Mace, talks about having a "juicy" life.  What a fun image!  Just a life more full of flavor!  A life you can sink your teeth in - a life that is savory & tasty.  A life you can truly enjoy! 

I will be posting updates on my journey and I hope you will check out this project/program and give it a try.  Let me know if you do!  

And...we're off...reality challenge...I accept!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

More Than Just A Color

Ladies & Gentleman - you do not want to miss Arena Stage's production of Red by John Logan!  It has been extended through March 11th.  Hurry...

This masterpiece is more than a look into the life of artist Mark Rothko.  It is more than simply a tale of a painter and young boy who admires his work.  The play exemplifies one of the arguments that the character of Rothko makes within the script itself - he argues that his paintings are living and he compares them to children.  These paintings live and breathe.  And as such, the best way to experience John Logan's work is to share in the same air as the actors - to breathe with them and watch them bring to life the words of the play.

The play is not for the those looking for something light, silly and carefree.  This is quite the opposite really.  You will  be pushed to think and rationalize.  I find the direction to be brilliant and I admire the director and actors allowing for moments when the play simply is.  There are moments when the actors are mixing paint or taking in the art on the canvas.  I admire life on stage - the ability to not rush and to just live.  To some, these moments feel slow and without cause.  I could see that it might take you out of the world of the play... maybe the director in me is coming out, but I live for watching actors on stage doing the simple and mundane. 

The title suggests words synonymous with other things that are red - one might think of hearts, strawberries, tomato soup, a crayon, parts of the sunset, etc. 

The title might seem simple or uncreative. 

This play is so much more.   

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Bring It

We have all been's January 1st and now what?  Do I make a list of resolutions?  Do I even care enough to change what I was doing last year?  It may be almost at the end of the month but I am still defining my resolutions...or rather how I want to create an even better 2012. My obsession this week is focusing in my resolutions and the current book series I am addicted to (I have fallen into the arena...I have been sucked into the Hunger Games)

Here's what I have so far:
1. Read 12 books of varying genres, I figure there are 12 months in a year and it's 2012...time to step it up a notch. Who knows maybe I can even get to 15!  And the book that I am currently devouring is "Catching Fire", book 2 of the Hunger Games series which is brilliantly written by Suzanne Collins.   
2. I am going to stop accepting situations in my life that I am unhappy with - if I want to change something, then I am going to start taking actions to change it.  (a little vague, I know...)
3. Work on really and truly stretching myself to Give Back - I have not yet read (but it's on my list): "Start Something that Matters" written by Blake Mycoskie, creator and founder of Toms - a wonderful one-for-one business program that allows for you to not only buy awesome shoes (and other items) but then give a pair to a child in need. 
I love the blog of "Start Something that Matters" that highlights other programs with a Give Back motto and also highlights the wisdom of Blake Mycoskie.  I have never met him, but think he is simply fantastic!  He seems to have such a rockin' cool soul.  (Plus, one of his entries on his blog offers some great idea for books to read!  It helped to inspire me reading 12 this year.) 
4. Grow closer in my faith.  There are always new things I can learn and new avenues to be explored.  Plus, continuing to improve my relationship with Christ is a win-win.  I am also going to look more closely into the life of a saint.  This year it's Saint Thomas of Villanova and I will try to gain future insight into the virtue of humility. 
5. Keep my mind & body stimulated - this is an extension of my reading goal...and adding on healthy living.  It's important to exercise to stay fit but to exercise your mind too so that it stays focused.  I will try to do more puzzles and word searches.  It may sounds simple but even that is a big help to keep your mind active.  I want to incorporate more foreign and/or independent films that require more thought to process.  As much as I love Romantic Comedies, it is also important to put value into other avenues of Film making. This also goes with keeping my creative juices flowing.  I will do better to have more blog entries as well as work more on actually completing the One-Act plays I have started.  It's as if the characters' stories have been put on pause and they are desperately waiting to have it completed.  

Alright 2012, you may have started off rocky - but you will finish strong! Bring it!