Tuesday, February 14, 2012

100 Day Reality Challenge

Ok, so here's an idea I have for the next 100 days.  Starting tomorrow and going until May 24th, I will be partaking in the 100 Day Reality Challenge!  Please visit http://cocreatingourreality.com/ to see the website and read more about this facinating project. 

Basically, for the next 100 days I will:
1. Focus on an intention - something I different I want in my life
2. Take steps to make this intention happen
3. Bring out positive thought, mediation &/or prayer to help guide me
4. Surround myself with positive people, events & things that will help be fulfill my set intention
5. Journal, blog, tweet, facebook, text, post to my new pinterest page, and possible video blog to share/grow deeper in my journey

It may sound trippy - but I think it is worth a try!  I am so glad that my dear friend ask me to join her on this epic journey.  I mean, what else did I have planned for the next 100 days?  I might as well work to make my life richer and more engaging.  One of the creators of this movement, Lilou Mace, talks about having a "juicy" life.  What a fun image!  Just a life more full of flavor!  A life you can sink your teeth in - a life that is savory & tasty.  A life you can truly enjoy! 

I will be posting updates on my journey and I hope you will check out this project/program and give it a try.  Let me know if you do!  

And...we're off...reality challenge...I accept!

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