Saturday, February 18, 2012

My Happiness Project (Day 4/100)

Hello Day 4!  I am going to add to my reading list - The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin.  This book was recommended to me by my lovely roommate and dear friend.  It seems have been around for a little while now.  I am looking forward to incorporating the thoughts and ideas explored in this book along with the things expressed in the 100 Day Reality Challenge.  I will add in some innovative quotes and merge it with own incites I have found.   

Such a thriving point in my life - I get to read, learn, explore and create.  Plus, I am not even on this 100 Day Reality Challenge alone.  I get to share in this journey with a dear friend. 

What I have found to be even more encouraging during these past four days is that everyone I have told about my reality challenge has been overly supportive!  It's great knowing that I am working towards surrounding myself with people who not only care about me, but are willing to listen to my happiness goals.  If anything, it is giving them a new look on their own life. 

"There is no duty we so much underrate as the duty of being happy."  ----Robert Louis Stevenson

1 comment:

BlueberryAngel said...

Everyone I've told about my challenge has been supportive too! Hopefully our brilliant journey will be an inspiration.